WHAT : A morning for people of ALL ages to come together during this long, cold winter for some intergenerational FUN and fellowship.
Our youth and families will host BINGO and BOARD GAMES with baked goods, coffee, tea and juice.
Older parishioners are welcome as our honored and special guests
WHEN : Sunday March 2, 2025 - beginning after 9:00AM Mass until 11:30AM
WHERE: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Hall
If you are a parent. RSVP to Lynn Lipczynski - [email protected] or call 716-824-8209. For families enrolled in Faith Formation, this will count as both a Family Event and Service Hours for older children. Children up to 5th grade MUST BE CHAPERONED. Any families willing to help by bringing baked goods, is greatly appreciated, PLEASE let us know.
If you are a middle / high schooler wishing to volunteer on your own. please RSVP to Sarah Leahy - [email protected] or call 716-824-8209.
If you are a parishioner and would like to stop by, No NEED to RSVP! Come on down to the Church Hall, pull up a chair and enjoy the morning with friends, both young and old. Guests are also welcomed. It will be a great morning!
Our youth and families will host BINGO and BOARD GAMES with baked goods, coffee, tea and juice.
Older parishioners are welcome as our honored and special guests
WHEN : Sunday March 2, 2025 - beginning after 9:00AM Mass until 11:30AM
WHERE: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Hall
If you are a parent. RSVP to Lynn Lipczynski - [email protected] or call 716-824-8209. For families enrolled in Faith Formation, this will count as both a Family Event and Service Hours for older children. Children up to 5th grade MUST BE CHAPERONED. Any families willing to help by bringing baked goods, is greatly appreciated, PLEASE let us know.
If you are a middle / high schooler wishing to volunteer on your own. please RSVP to Sarah Leahy - [email protected] or call 716-824-8209.
If you are a parishioner and would like to stop by, No NEED to RSVP! Come on down to the Church Hall, pull up a chair and enjoy the morning with friends, both young and old. Guests are also welcomed. It will be a great morning!

OLSH Holy Name Society
Lenten Fish Fry Dates : Ash Wednesday March 5, 2025
Friday March 7, 2025
Time: 4:30 - 7:30PM at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church hall
Fish Fry Dinner $15.00 Pre-sale and $17.00 at the door
Children's Meal - Chicken Fingers & Fries $7.00
Catered by OLSH (All Home Made) Beer Battered Haddock, French Fries, Macaroni Salad, Coleslaw and Bread
Lenten Fish Fry Dates : Ash Wednesday March 5, 2025
Friday March 7, 2025
Time: 4:30 - 7:30PM at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church hall
Fish Fry Dinner $15.00 Pre-sale and $17.00 at the door
Children's Meal - Chicken Fingers & Fries $7.00
Catered by OLSH (All Home Made) Beer Battered Haddock, French Fries, Macaroni Salad, Coleslaw and Bread
OLSH Altar & Rosary Society
$3.00 admission includes a slice of pizza, beverage & desert
Raffle Tickets - 1 sheet - $5.00 3 sheets - $10.00 7 sheets - $20.00 Please use the Back Entrance Ramp Only. |
Bible Study
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish Center
Join Deacon MIke Dulak ( Call or Text (716) 913-0476) to learn more about an 8-Part Bible Study
"Discover Your Inheritance as a Child of God" in Ephesians. This 8-Part Bible Study features Jeff Cavins
Ephesians was one of St Paul's most widely circulated writings because of its powerful and practical instruction for disciples of Christ. "Discover Your Inheritance" examines themes that are of special concern to Christians in today's culture and society. Join Deacon Mike and presenter Jeff Cavins as we explore what Paul's letter to the Ephesians tells us about the nature of the Church - as a body, as a household, as a mystery, as a communion, as a bride and as a army.
Full Participant cost $27.95, for workbook (with video, notes, homework assignments, etc...)
Lite Participant, FREE
Classes begin Tuesday January 7, 2025 and run through February 25, 2025 at the OLSH Parish Center - Room 4
Two Session times are offered 10:30AM or 6:30PM
To register please call or text Deacon MIke at the number above
"Discover Your Inheritance as a Child of God" in Ephesians. This 8-Part Bible Study features Jeff Cavins
Ephesians was one of St Paul's most widely circulated writings because of its powerful and practical instruction for disciples of Christ. "Discover Your Inheritance" examines themes that are of special concern to Christians in today's culture and society. Join Deacon Mike and presenter Jeff Cavins as we explore what Paul's letter to the Ephesians tells us about the nature of the Church - as a body, as a household, as a mystery, as a communion, as a bride and as a army.
Full Participant cost $27.95, for workbook (with video, notes, homework assignments, etc...)
Lite Participant, FREE
Classes begin Tuesday January 7, 2025 and run through February 25, 2025 at the OLSH Parish Center - Room 4
Two Session times are offered 10:30AM or 6:30PM
To register please call or text Deacon MIke at the number above