Attention Vanco online contributors, Vanco, our eGiving provider, has updated their online giving platform to make it easier than ever to make one-time gifts or set up recurring donations to our church. The new page is now LIVE on our site. Nothing about our online giving has changed except the look of the page. You can adjust existing donations, set up new gifts and update personal information from the new Vanco Online.
Your Financial Support is very much appreciated.
Please consider donating online. |
Merger Decree announcements from Bishop Michael Fisher and the Diocese of Buffalo
Listed are the Merger Decrees of the Our Mother of Good Counsel, Queen of Angels and St. Anthony parishes into Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish
Listed are the Merger Decrees of the Our Mother of Good Counsel, Queen of Angels and St. Anthony parishes into Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish

Prayer shawls are available in the church in the room across from the usher's room.
They are for anyone, parishioner or non-parishioner who is sick or in need of comfort.
Please take one and leave their name so we can pray for them.
We meet every Thursday morning at 10:00 in the Parish Center if you would like to join us.
Please call Bonnie at 716-827-8090, to become part of the ministry or for more information.

Children's Liturgy of the Word. 9:00 AM Mass every Sunday.
At the beginning of the Liturgy of the Word, children are called forward with adult leaders to hear the Gospel in a simpler way & participate in a prepared activity.
Children will return to their family following the offertory of gifts.
Come join us!
What is the National Eucharistic Revival? A three-year initiative sponsored by the Bishops of the United States to inspire and prepare the People of God to be formed, healed, converted, united, and sent out to a hurting and hungry world through a renewed encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist - the source and summit of our Catholic Faith. The difficulties and challenges over the last few years have shed light on the Church's need for healing, unity, formation, and conversion.
National Eucharistic Revival...This will provide prayers, activities and ideas for how to incorporate the National Eucharistic Revival with ongoing efforts in parishes and families, including the Road to Renewal and our synod journey. Catechetical and formation materials will also be provided more frequently via and other platforms in coordination with the Renewal Office. |
50/50 SPLIT CLUB - $5 per chance
Drawings are held in January, March, May, July, September, and November Next Split club draw is March 2025 You can find the 50/50 tickets in your Sunday Giving mailing. If you would like more tickets, or do not receive Sunday giving envelopes, please stop by or call the Parish Office at 716-824-2935, or ask an usher at mass. Congratulations to our January 2025 winners are, Mr & Mrs Daniel Garnett $ 525.00 Thanks to everyone who participated. |
**For the latest updates and to stay informed about the Diocese of Buffalo's Road to Renewal, click the link below.
In every age, O God, you have called us to be your people, to be your church.
In this time, we begin anew to discern the pathways that will lead us,
your people, closer to you.
Continually, Bless our journey
as we proclaim your Good news,
celebrate your saving presence among us, serve others with charity and justice,
and steward the world you have entrusted to our care.
Send your spirit to lead and guide our Emmaus journey as
we commit ourselves to the renewal of our Church.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
In every age, O God, you have called us to be your people, to be your church.
In this time, we begin anew to discern the pathways that will lead us,
your people, closer to you.
Continually, Bless our journey
as we proclaim your Good news,
celebrate your saving presence among us, serve others with charity and justice,
and steward the world you have entrusted to our care.
Send your spirit to lead and guide our Emmaus journey as
we commit ourselves to the renewal of our Church.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
![]() CLICK HERE to donate to Catholic Charities! Please be sure to select OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART PARISH (#712). Thank you! |