Meetings: ….Monthly in the church Hall, On Friday or Saturday mornings, call the parish office for dates and times 824-2935
Click HERE for the website of The Saint Vincent de Paul Society of Buffalo, New York.
Click HERE for the website of The Saint Vincent de Paul Society of Buffalo, New York.
- Home visits to shut-ins
- Transporting parishioners to Mass; “arranged individually”
- Annual clothing drive with Saint Vincent de Paul truck
- Thanksgiving liturgy participation, month’s rent for Lackawanna Food Pantry
- Bulletin publicity for donations, activities, finding needy
- Four person “disaster response” team
- Food basket distribution at Thanksgiving, Christmas, two per month and when needed
- Referrals to agencies more able to help (Catholic Charities, St. Vincent de Paul Society store, Lackawanna Food Pantry, soup kitchens, Presbyterian Clothing Store in Lackawanna)
- Volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul Society store and kitchen on Main Street, Buffalo
- Hunger Bowl, Thanksgiving Collection, donations
- Collect food in bride’s room throughout year
- Clothing picked up when requested, taken to Lackawanna
- Clothing Store
- St. Vincent de Paul Society clothing truck collection, yearly
- Special needs/requests of clothing, furniture advertised in Bulletin, picked up, delivered
- Food to Lackawanna Food Pantry
- Clothing to Presbyterian Clothing Store in Lackawanna
- Annual clothing drive to SVDP Store
- Baby furniture and supplies to Harvest House, Seneca Street
- Special needs/requests delivered
- Food baskets Thanksgiving, Christmas, special needs
- Money needs through rectory, or Treasurer plus another member
- food vouchers, pay bills, no cash